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Clearwater Divorce Lawyer (Based on 36 Reviews)
727-683-1472 801 West Bay Drive, Suite 713
Largo, FL 33770
Mon - Fri 8:30 am- 5:00 pm Evening and Weekend Appts Available

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What Is Lump-Sum Alimony?

By Cairns Law |

When couples get divorced, they have to deal with a number of different issues before a court will actually legally end their marriage, one of which is alimony. Alimony, or spousal maintenance, is a type of financial award, in which one former spouse makes payments to a lesser earning spouse upon divorce. The amount,… Read More »

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A Simple Guide To Florida Divorce

By Cairns Law |

Most people aren’t familiar with how divorce works in Florida. To help, we’ve provided a quick guide to the divorce process in the state. This is, however, only a cursory explanation, so if you want a more in-depth discussion of divorce in Florida, feel free to reach out to our dedicated legal team by… Read More »

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How The Length Of Your Marriage Could Affect Your Divorce

By Cairns Law |

There are a lot of different factors that can impact the process and outcome of Florida divorce proceedings. One of the most important, however, is the length of a couple’s marriage, which can have a significant effect on alimony awards and property division. Whether your marriage was short, medium, or long-term, its length could… Read More »

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Do Stay-At-Home Parents Automatically Get More Time-Sharing?

By Cairns Law |

Divorce always tends to be a somewhat emotional and complicated process, but it can be even more challenging when one of the parties involved in the divorce was a stay-at-home parent.  A person in this situation may be feeling more concerned about his or her financial prospects, or the other parent could be worried… Read More »

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Protecting Your Family Business During Divorce

By Cairns Law |

As a business owner, you have undoubtedly worked hard to build your company and the thought of losing it during divorce may be deeply alarming. You may be wondering whether you can protect your business in the event of divorce, keeping it under your control and as a source of income. Unfortunately, there is… Read More »

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I Was Awarded Durational Alimony – What Does That Mean?

By Cairns Law |

There are a number of different types of alimony that courts can award during divorce in Florida, each of which is aimed at filling a specific need. Permanent alimony, for instance, is usually only awarded following the end of a marriage that lasted more than 17 years, where one of the parties is unable… Read More »

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Steps For Obtaining A Domestic Violence Injunction

By Cairns Law |

In Florida, victims of domestic violence can seek protection from the court in the form of an injunction, or restraining order. These orders bar a respondent, or abuser, from further contact with the victim and can also address things like financial support and child custody. Unfortunately, obtaining a domestic violence injunction isn’t always a… Read More »

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Standard Florida Parenting Time Plans

By Cairns Law |

Florida family law courts presume that having frequent and regular contact with both parents is in a child’s best interests, unless of course there are allegations of abuse. While regular contact between parents and their child can be relatively easy to achieve when a family lives in the same house, it can be more… Read More »

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Child Support And Medical Expenses

By Cairns Law |

In Florida, all parents have the legal obligation to financially support their children. Doing so, however, can become a bit more complicated when the parents in question are separated or divorced. In these cases, the parties will need to clearly delineate who is responsible for what expenses and in most situations, the non-custodial parent… Read More »

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Tips For Communicating With Your Co-Parent

By Cairns Law |

It’s not always easy to establish a healthy co-parenting relationship, especially after a difficult divorce. Regular communication with a co-parent can end up being overshadowed by the reasons for a couple’s divorce or ongoing disagreements. The reality, however, is that communication between co-parents is critical to creating a healthy and happy environment for a… Read More »

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