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Clearwater Divorce Lawyer (Based on 36 Reviews)
727-683-1472 801 West Bay Drive, Suite 713
Largo, FL 33770
Mon - Fri 8:30 am- 5:00 pm Evening and Weekend Appts Available

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Orders Of Referral To Family Mediation

By Cairns Law |

Families who are involved in divorce, a paternity action, a relocation attempt, or a parenting plan modification in Florida will most likely end up receiving an Order of Referral to Family Mediation. This is a step taken by courts before a case goes to trial, in which they require the parties to at least… Read More »

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Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Divorce Settlement

By Cairns Law |

When judges attempt to determine how to divide a couple’s assets during divorce, they assess what they think an equitable split would be, which rarely turns out to be an exactly equal division. Instead, courts consider a lot of factors, like how each party contributed to the marriage, both spouse’s incomes, and each person’s… Read More »

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How Does Income Withholding Work?

By Cairns Law |

An income withholding order is a legal order issued by a family law court, obligating someone’s employer to withhold money from a specific person’s paycheck. The amount withheld is then sent to the state, which then disburses the funds as child support on behalf of the person whose paycheck was garnished. There are a… Read More »

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Enforcing Your Florida Domestic Violence Injunction In Another State

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In Florida, victims of domestic violence can request domestic violence injunctions, or restraining orders, which provide them with legal protection from further incidents of violence or threats. Fortunately, these orders remain in effect even if a petitioner relocates to another state, as the Violence Against Women Act, a federal law, ensures that all protection… Read More »

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Serving Divorce Papers On Your Spouse In Florida

By Cairns Law |

Whether you have decided to ask your spouse for a divorce, or expect your spouse to do so, the early part of the filing process can be a bit confusing. This is because filing for divorce requires more than just submitting paperwork to the proper court. While this is a crucial part of the… Read More »

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Florida’s Address Confidentiality Program For Victims Of Domestic Violence

By Cairns Law |

Florida law offers a number of protections to victims of domestic violence. For instance, in addition to domestic violence injunctions, or restraining orders, qualifying individuals can also seek additional protections by participating in the state’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP). The ACP was created in 1999 as a way to protect victims of domestic violence… Read More »

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What Does Child Support Cover?

By Cairns Law |

Child support is a type of financial support that is paid by one of a child’s parents to the other, often after divorce and continuing until the child reaches the age of majority. These payments are designed to cover a portion of the child’s living expenses, like rent or mortgage, utilities, food, and clothing…. Read More »

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Tips For Increasing Visitation With Your Child

By Cairns Law |

A family’s circumstances don’t stay the same forever, so it makes sense that a parenting plan put in place when a couple gets a divorce, won’t necessarily work after a few years, or a significant change in circumstances has occurred. Courts understand this and so allow families to change their parenting plans in certain… Read More »

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What Is A Simplified Divorce?

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The divorce process has a reputation for being legally complex, emotionally grueling, and often, drawn-out and time-consuming. This does not, however, necessarily have to be true for all couples. Some parties, for instance, may qualify for simplified divorce proceedings, which can be resolved in as little as a month from the date of filing…. Read More »

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Using Technology To Co-Parent After Divorce

By Cairns Law |

Ending a marriage can be difficult for all of the parties involved, including not only couples, but also any children that they may share. However, parents who work together to co-parent their children as a team and who focus on communication can make the process of divorce a lot easier for their children. Using… Read More »

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