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Don’t Forget To Budget For these Post-Divorce Expenses
People usually expect the process of divorce to be an unexpectedly costly one. Many, however, fail to consider the expenses that often accompany the transition to post-divorce life. Failing to account for these costs ahead of time can result in significant financial difficulties for recently divorced couples, making it especially important for those who… Read More »

How Long Will My Divorce Take?
Whether you and your spouse have only just started discussing divorce or you’ve already filed, you’ve probably wondered how long the process will take. The answer to this question is complicated and varies depending on the particular family and their circumstances. Some divorces, for instance, can be finalized in as little as a month,… Read More »

Tips For Co-Parenting In The Summer
Most of us fondly remember summer vacations when we were children as a chance to spend time with family and friends and enjoy time off from school. Divorced parents, however, often face unique challenges when it comes to co-parenting in the summer months. Communication issues, problems with scheduling visits, and last minute requests to… Read More »

Temporary Alimony Awards
Financial stability is typically of the utmost concern for most divorcing couples. Often, the best way to ensure this is to seek alimony, of which there are four main types: durational, rehabilitative, bridge-the-gap, and permanent. These awards, however, are issued after divorce, leaving many spouses who are living apart during divorce, to question how… Read More »

Domestic Violence Could Affect Child Custody
Many of those who have been the victims of domestic violence share children with their abusers, which can leave them concerned about how pursuing a domestic violence case could affect their custody rights. If you are worried about the safety of your own child, consider reaching out to an experienced Clearwater domestic violence lawyer… Read More »

Florida Lawmakers Approve Sweeping Alimony Reform
Last month, both the Florida Senate and House of Representatives approved a bill that, if signed by the governor, would result in sweeping changes to the state’s alimony laws. If enacted, the reform law would eliminate permanent alimony in the state and place a number of limits on durational alimony awards. To learn more… Read More »

Adding A Father To A Child’s Birth Certificate
The easiest way for unmarried parents to include a father’s name on a child’s birth certificate is to do so at the time of the child’s birth. This, however, is not always possible, whether due to the fact that the father was not present at the birth or because he did not know he… Read More »

Will Remarriage Affect My Alimony Award?
Alimony, or spousal support, is a type of financial payment made by one spouse to a former, or soon-to-be former spouse. In most cases, these payments must continue until a certain date has passed, or a specific goal has been reached. There are, however, other things that can impact an alimony award, including remarriage,… Read More »

Florida Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders
In Florida, individuals who are seeking immediate protection from an abuser can request a temporary restraining order. For help requesting such an order, or to learn more about asking a judge to make your restraining order permanent, consider reaching out to a dedicated Largo domestic violence lawyer. What are Temporary Restraining Orders? Temporary restraining… Read More »

What Are Domestic Violence Injunctions?
Domestic violence injunctions, sometimes referred to as restraining orders, are a type of legal order that can be requested by anyone who is the victim of domestic violence or is in fear of becoming so. The length of an injunction varies from case to case, lasting anywhere from two weeks to years. For help… Read More »