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A Few Legal Issues You May Encounter After Divorce
It’s a common misconception that all divorce-related issues will end when a divorce is finalized. While it’s true that the parties can generally start moving on with their lives, will likely live in different residences, and have separate finances, there are still a lot of legal matters that may end up needing to be… Read More »

Requesting An Emergency Custody Order In Florida
There are two types of emergency custody motions in Florida: ex-parte emergency and regular emergency motions. Both are available to those who believe that their child is in imminent physical danger or is at risk of being removed from the state. There are, however, specific requirements with which petitioners must comply when making these… Read More »

What Is Temporary Child Support?
Just because two parents decide to get divorced does not mean that they are no longer legally obligated to financially support their children. Doing so, however, can be more complicated when two parents are no longer living together or sharing the same bank account, which is why courts allow parents to ask for temporary… Read More »

Top Paternity Questions
There are a lot of benefits to establishing paternity, as it helps protect the rights of visitation and support and can play a crucial role in the development of a parent-child bond. Unfortunately, establishing paternity of a child isn’t always easy, especially when one of the parents is resistant, so if you have questions… Read More »

How Prenuptial Agreements Work In Florida
Prenuptial agreements are a type of contract that couples can enter into prior to marriage that determine what will happen to their assets in the event of divorce. These types of agreements have become an increasingly popular way for soon-to-be spouses to organize and plan their financial futures. What Do Prenuptial Agreements Cover? Prenuptial… Read More »

How Do I Enforce A Court Order?
Child support orders, parenting plans, and alimony awards are all court orders, which means that they are legally enforceable and that those who fail to abide by their terms can face severe repercussions. How a person goes about enforcing a court order will largely be dictated by his or her family’s particular circumstances, the… Read More »

Florida Child Support FAQs
When two parents decide to separate or divorce, one of the most important issues they must resolve is who will be responsible for child support and in what amount. To give you a better understanding of what you could be dealing with in your own divorce proceedings, we’ve included answers to some of the… Read More »

Privacy And Divorce In Florida
In Florida, divorce records are available to the public, which means that to look at someone’s divorce decree, all a person needs to do is request a copy of the records from the court clerk in the county where the divorce was finalized. Many records can even be virtually requested online. Divorce records can… Read More »

Trading Assets During Divorce
Dividing the assets acquired during a marriage often ends up being one of the more difficult aspects of divorce. Fortunately, it is often possible to work through this issue, with both parties agreeing to give up certain assets in exchange for others. To learn more about trading assets and whether it could be an… Read More »

Including Third Party Visitation In Your Parenting Plan
Parenting plans are detailed documents that dictate how much time each parent spends with his or her child, as well as how responsibility for childcare-related decision making will be shared. When drafting these plans, parents should be sure to include a detailed time-sharing schedule that covers not only which days a parent will have… Read More »