Category Archives: Child Relocation

Complications That Could Arise as a Result of Long-Distance Parental Relocation
In Florida, having continuing and meaningful contact with both parents is deemed to be in a child’s best interests, so any time-sharing arrangements entered into as part of a divorce must reflect that principle. A relocation by one parent can, however, make this more complicated, especially if the planned move is to another state…. Read More »

How Relocation Affects Your Child Custody Arrangement
Relocating, whether due to personal reasons or for work, is often a complicated process, but it can be particularly complex when two parents have separated or divorced. Moving to a new city or state represents more than just a new start for the parties involved when two parents share custody. In fact, relocating can… Read More »

How to Block a Residential Parent’s Relocation
Relocations are probably the most common divorce modification action. Income often changes more frequently than physical location, but not all income changes are substantial under Florida law. Most people move about twelve times during their lives. And, even if the move is local, a new residence significantly impacts the parenting time division. In these… Read More »