Category Archives: Child Support Modification

What is Imputed Income in a Florida Child Support Case?
The State of Florida requires all parents to contribute financially to their child’s needs. There’s no way around this. If you have a child in Florida, then you are either the custodial parent or you’re paying child support to ensure the well-being of your children. Child support is calculated based on financial factors that… Read More »

Unmarried Parents Still Owe Child Support
Just because two parents are unmarried does not mean that one or both cannot be ordered to pay child support by a Florida judge. This is because under state law, parents not only have parental rights, like the right to visitation with their child, but also parental obligations, which includes the duty to financially… Read More »

Job Loss Could Affect Your Florida Child Support Obligation
In Florida, parents are expected to financially support their children, regardless of whether those parents are in an ongoing romantic relationship. For many, this means that one of the parents will be required to pay child support to the other on a monthly basis once the couple is no longer together. Child support orders… Read More »

What Happens if I Miss a Child Support Payment?
Child support awards are legally binding court orders, which means that parents must always comply with their terms. This means that missing even a single child support payment can come with significant legal repercussions. The severity of those consequences will, however, depend on a variety of factors, including the parent’s payment history, attitude, and… Read More »

When Florida Courts Will Deviate from the State’s Child Support Guidelines
Florida courts are required to strictly adhere to specific child support guidelines when determining a parent’s child support obligation. While in most cases, courts stick to the base amount provided by these guidelines (which, in turn is based on the parents’ incomes, childcare expenses, and the number of children being supported etc.), they are… Read More »

Making Child Support Payments in Florida
Many parents fulfill their obligation to financially support their children by making monthly child support payments. Florida’s Department of Revenue handles all child support payments and provides parents with a number of options for voluntary payment. Read on to learn more about how to make child support payments in Florida. Payment Options There are… Read More »

How Does Child Support Work In Florida?
Whether you are considering divorce, in the middle of your divorce proceedings, or were never married, Florida law will control how much you or your partner owe in child support. Specifically, courts use a predetermined set of guidelines that take a couple’s monthly gross income and the number of children being supported into account… Read More »

A Few Legal Issues You May Encounter After Divorce
It’s a common misconception that all divorce-related issues will end when a divorce is finalized. While it’s true that the parties can generally start moving on with their lives, will likely live in different residences, and have separate finances, there are still a lot of legal matters that may end up needing to be… Read More »

What Is Temporary Child Support?
Just because two parents decide to get divorced does not mean that they are no longer legally obligated to financially support their children. Doing so, however, can be more complicated when two parents are no longer living together or sharing the same bank account, which is why courts allow parents to ask for temporary… Read More »

Florida Child Support FAQs
When two parents decide to separate or divorce, one of the most important issues they must resolve is who will be responsible for child support and in what amount. To give you a better understanding of what you could be dealing with in your own divorce proceedings, we’ve included answers to some of the… Read More »