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Category Archives: Child Support Modification


Child Support And Medical Expenses

By Cairns Law |

In Florida, all parents have the legal obligation to financially support their children. Doing so, however, can become a bit more complicated when the parents in question are separated or divorced. In these cases, the parties will need to clearly delineate who is responsible for what expenses and in most situations, the non-custodial parent… Read More »

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How Does Income Withholding Work?

By Cairns Law |

An income withholding order is a legal order issued by a family law court, obligating someone’s employer to withhold money from a specific person’s paycheck. The amount withheld is then sent to the state, which then disburses the funds as child support on behalf of the person whose paycheck was garnished. There are a… Read More »

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What Does Child Support Cover?

By Cairns Law |

Child support is a type of financial support that is paid by one of a child’s parents to the other, often after divorce and continuing until the child reaches the age of majority. These payments are designed to cover a portion of the child’s living expenses, like rent or mortgage, utilities, food, and clothing…. Read More »

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How To Calculate Child Support In Florida

By Cairns Law |

Ending a marriage is a painful and difficult time and things can become even more complicated when there are children involved. One of the most contentious issues that parents face when divorcing is how responsibility for the financial support of their children will be shared. Fortunately, Florida uses a specific set of guidelines when… Read More »

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Can I Still Be Required To Pay Child Support If I Share Custody?

By Cairns Law |

Although child custody and child support are two different legal issues, they are also dependent on each other for resolution. How much child support a parent is required to pay, for instance, will be dictated not only by that person’s income, but also by how much time he or she spends with the child…. Read More »

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3 Things All Parents Should Know About Child Support

By Cairns Law |

If you are divorcing or separated from your child’s co-parent, you may be entitled to child support. On the other hand, you may be obligated to pay it. How much will need to be paid, how those payments are calculated, and what child support is used for are three things that every parent should… Read More »

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When Will My Child Support Obligation End?

By Cairns Law |

One common question we hear regularly from divorcing parents is how long they can expect to continue paying child support. In most cases, the answer to this question is dependent on when a child reaches the age of 18 years old. However, a dedicated Clearwater child support modification lawyer can give you a better… Read More »

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Asking The Court To Decrease Child Support

By Cairns Law |

The obligation to financially support one’s child doesn’t end just because a couple separates or divorces. Instead, this obligation will become more formal, with a court ordering the non-custodial parent to pay child support to the other. Once established, these orders are legally binding, which means that the parties must comply or risk facing… Read More »

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Requesting An Increase In Child Support

By Cairns Law |

It is not uncommon for divorced parents to find themselves in a different financial situation a few years (or even less) after the finalization of their divorce. One of the parties, for instance, may lose his or her job, or need to start paying for the treatment of a medical condition. These kinds of… Read More »

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What Evidence Do I Need For A Child Support Case?

By Cairns Law |

One of the most complex disputes that divorcing parents face is who will pay child support and in what amount. While it is true that Florida law requires courts to use a specific set of formulas and guidelines when determining how much a parent owes in child support, there are also key pieces of… Read More »

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