Category Archives: Divorce
Should I Stay In The Family Home During Divorce?
When a couple decides to divorce, they will need to make a number of difficult decisions, including where they will live during the divorce. Some couples, for instance, opt to stay in the family home temporarily until the divorce is finalized, while some decide to find a new place to live. Ultimately, what is… Read More »
What Kinds Of Financial Disclosures Do I Have To Make During Divorce?
Divorcing spouses are usually required to compile a lot of information about their finances and then disclose those details to each other. This information will then be used to resolve issues, like alimony, property division, and child support. Unfortunately, providing this kind of exhaustive financial information can be complicated, especially without the aid of… Read More »
Don’t Forget To Budget For these Post-Divorce Expenses
People usually expect the process of divorce to be an unexpectedly costly one. Many, however, fail to consider the expenses that often accompany the transition to post-divorce life. Failing to account for these costs ahead of time can result in significant financial difficulties for recently divorced couples, making it especially important for those who… Read More »
How Long Will My Divorce Take?
Whether you and your spouse have only just started discussing divorce or you’ve already filed, you’ve probably wondered how long the process will take. The answer to this question is complicated and varies depending on the particular family and their circumstances. Some divorces, for instance, can be finalized in as little as a month,… Read More »
Can I Get Divorced In Florida If I Was Married In Another State?
Our society has become increasingly mobile in recent years, so it is not surprising that it has become less and less common for couples to remain in the same state where they were married. Fortunately, when it comes to divorce it doesn’t really matter where a couple was married, as long as they satisfy… Read More »
The Difference Between Marital And Non-Marital Assets In A Florida Divorce
In Florida, a court will only finalize a couple’s divorce once the parties’ assets have been divided in a manner that is deemed equitable. This, however, is only true for marital assets, or property that was acquired during the course of the marriage. Property that doesn’t fall under this category will usually remain in… Read More »
A Judge Issued Temporary Orders In My Divorce Case – What Does That Mean?
Obtaining a divorce can be a time-consuming process, which can be stressful for couples who need help navigating certain financial or parenting-related matters during that time. In these cases, courts often issue what are known as temporary orders, which address things like child support, time sharing, and living arrangements. As their name states, these… Read More »
Timeline Of A Florida Divorce
Divorce is an unfamiliar and unsettling process for most people. It is possible, however, to sustain some consistency in the proceedings by obtaining direct guidance from an experienced Clearwater divorce lawyer, who can walk you through the general timeline of the standard divorce. Filing a Petition The first step in any divorce is filing… Read More »
Keeping Your Divorce Out Of Court
Contrary to popular belief, not all divorces have to result in litigation. In fact, couples are typically encouraged to try and work out divorce-related legal matters, with the assistance of their attorneys, in an out-of-court setting. This can be achieved through mediation, arbitration, or collaborative divorce, all of which aim to help parties come… Read More »
Appraising Art, Jewelry, And Collectibles During Divorce
Under Florida law, divorcing couples are required to divide all of their marital assets in an equitable, or fair, manner. This includes assets that are relatively easy to value, such as bank accounts or real estate, as well as property that is more difficult to appraise. Ensuring that your assets are properly appraised is… Read More »