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Clearwater Divorce Lawyer (Based on 36 Reviews)
727-683-1472 801 West Bay Drive, Suite 713
Largo, FL 33770
Mon - Fri 8:30 am- 5:00 pm Evening and Weekend Appts Available

Category Archives: Divorce


Timeline Of A Florida Divorce

By Cairns Law |

Divorce is an unfamiliar and unsettling process for most people. It is possible, however, to sustain some consistency in the proceedings by obtaining direct guidance from an experienced Clearwater divorce lawyer, who can walk you through the general timeline of the standard divorce. Filing a Petition The first step in any divorce is filing… Read More »

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Keeping Your Divorce Out Of Court

By Cairns Law |

Contrary to popular belief, not all divorces have to result in litigation. In fact, couples are typically encouraged to try and work out divorce-related legal matters, with the assistance of their attorneys, in an out-of-court setting. This can be achieved through mediation, arbitration, or collaborative divorce, all of which aim to help parties come… Read More »

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Appraising Art, Jewelry, And Collectibles During Divorce

By Cairns Law |

Under Florida law, divorcing couples are required to divide all of their marital assets in an equitable, or fair, manner. This includes assets that are relatively easy to value, such as bank accounts or real estate, as well as property that is more difficult to appraise. Ensuring that your assets are properly appraised is… Read More »

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Disposing Of Marital Assets Before The Finalization Of Your Divorce

By Cairns Law |

Divorce proceedings can be time-consuming and expensive. For this reason, many couples find themselves wanting or attempting to sell marital assets that would normally be divided upon divorce. This is known as interim distribution and is possible in certain cases. Those who don’t follow particular rules, however, could end up being accused of hiding… Read More »

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Using A Property Division Checklist Can Help Protect Your Assets

By Cairns Law |

When going through a divorce, you may find yourself with a number of questions and concerns about how your assets and debts will be divided. While Florida courts distribute marital property according to the equitable division standard, the form that that division takes will vary depending on the specific circumstances of a couple’s case…. Read More »

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The Difference Between Judges, Magistrates, and Hearing Officers in Family Law Courts

By Cairns Law |

Although many people think that all divorces are overseen by judges, the reality is that there are actually a number of different decision makers who could be involved in a person’s divorce proceedings. Knowing what to expect when it comes to who will oversee a divorce can help reduce the stress that couples experience… Read More »

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How Long Will My Divorce Take?

By Cairns Law |

Just as no two couples are alike, no two divorces will be exactly the same, so it’s difficult to estimate how long it will take to resolve and finalize a specific divorce. If, for instance, two spouses have a contentious relationship and are unable to agree on certain important issues, like alimony and child… Read More »

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Who is Responsible for Household Bills During Divorce?

By Cairns Law |

Many of those who file for divorce feel inundated by what can seem like a never-ending list of tasks, including everything from talking to the kids about the divorce to finding a new place to live. These worries, on top of the emotional aspects that so often accompany divorce proceedings, can make ending a… Read More »

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How a Forensic Accountant Could Help with Your Divorce

By Cairns Law |

Obtaining a divorce can be difficult and so often requires the cooperation of multiple individuals. For instance, having a forensic accountant as part of your divorce team can make all the difference when it comes to grappling with financial issues like property division, alimony, and child support. To speak with an experienced Largo divorce… Read More »

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How to Choose a Clearwater Divorce Lawyer

By Cairns Law |

The average length of a first marriage which ends in divorce is a little over eight years. During this time, many couples have at least one child and make at least one major acquisition, like a house or a retirement account. As a result, when the marriage breaks up, it usually involves emotional and… Read More »

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