Category Archives: Domestic Violence

What If I Violate My Own Restraining Order?
In Florida, violating the terms of a restraining order is a serious offense if committed by the defendant in the case. A violation of a court order can, however, also have consequences if committed by the petitioner, or person requesting the injunction, making it especially important for those who have been granted an injunction,… Read More »

How Long Will My Protective Order Last?
In Florida, victims of domestic violence can ask the court for a protective order, or an injunction, which bars the accused from having any contact with the petitioner. How long these injunctions remain in effect depends on a few different factors, including the permanence of the order. To learn more about requesting a restraining… Read More »

Filing A Supplemental Affidavit In Your Domestic Violence Matter
In Florida, victims of domestic violence can seek protection from their abusers by requesting a protective order from a judge. If granted, these temporary orders bar respondents from having any contact with the petitioner for the next 15 days, by which time, a judge will schedule a hearing to determine whether a permanent injunction… Read More »

Enforcing A Domestic Violence Injunction In Florida
When petitioners obtain either a temporary or permanent injunction for protection from domestic violence, they often believe that their legal troubles are over. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true and a person may find him or herself needing to enforce the injunction in court. Those who find themselves in this situation do not, however, have… Read More »

How To Request A Domestic Violence Injunction In Florida
Those who have been abused by a relative often feel as though they have nowhere to turn. Fortunately, individuals who find themselves in this situation do have legal options, including the chance to request a domestic violence injunction, which, if granted, can help protect them from future violence. To learn more about these rights… Read More »

How Domestic Violence Injunctions Can Protect Petitioners From Third Party Pressures
Often, when people think about domestic violence restraining orders, they imagine that the injunctions only protect petitioners from the respondent listed in the order, or the person accused of domestic violence. While it is true that the primary aim of domestic violence injunctions is to protect petitioners from the person who has committed or… Read More »

Can I Expunge A Domestic Violence-Related Conviction?
Florida law allows some people to expunge their criminal records, a scenario that tends to arise most often when a person was a minor at the time of the offense, or when the conviction happened many years earlier. There are, however, certain types of criminal records, including those related to domestic violence arrests that… Read More »

What are Ex Parte Domestic Violence Injunctions?
In Florida, those who have been, or believe that they are in danger of becoming the victim of domestic violence, have the right to file a request for an injunction. These requests often take the form of an ex parte petition, which means that the petitioner doesn’t immediately need to attend a hearing. Instead,… Read More »

Posting Bail in Domestic Violence Cases
In Florida, domestic violence cases have their own set of rules that don’t necessarily align with standard pre-trial release practices. For instance, someone who is accused of and arrested for domestic violence in Florida won’t be allowed to post bail immediately, but will need to wait for the conclusion of an initial investigation and… Read More »

How Domestic Violence Could Impact Your Divorce
Divorces arise for a variety of reasons, but when allegations of domestic violence are involved, things can become even more complicated. While it is true that Florida law no longer requires spouses to prove fault in order to obtain a divorce, providing evidence of domestic violence can have an impact on how certain issues… Read More »