How Long Will My Divorce Take?

Just as no two couples are alike, no two divorces will be exactly the same, so it’s difficult to estimate how long it will take to resolve and finalize a specific divorce. If, for instance, two spouses have a contentious relationship and are unable to agree on certain important issues, like alimony and child custody, concluding litigation can end up taking months or even years. If a divorce is uncontested, on the other hand and a couple is able to come to an out-of-court agreement about divorce-related issues, the parties can expect their proceedings to be finalized relatively quickly. For an assessment of your own case and an estimate of the length of time it could take to legally terminate your own marriage, please reach out to our experienced Largo divorce lawyers today.
Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce
There are a number of variables in the divorce process that can affect the amount of time it takes to finalize a case, one of which is whether the divorce is contested. Uncontested divorces occur when a couple agrees on all divorce-related issues, including spousal support, property division, and child support. These types of divorces tend to be resolved much more quickly than contested divorces, often concluding in as little as four to five weeks. Contested divorces, on the other hand, could take up to a year to resolve. Most contested divorces end up in litigation, which means that the parties involved are at the mercy of the court’s schedule and how long it takes for a judge to hear all of the relevant evidence and make a determination. Couples who are able to come to an agreement on some of these issues can help speed the process along.
The Complexity of the Legal Issues
Another factor that plays an important role in how long it takes to finalize a divorce is the complexity of the legal matters with which a couple is grappling. Couples with children, for example, have to come up with a custody arrangement before their divorce can be finalized, which can be a time-consuming experience. Similarly, couples with wide ranging or especially valuable assets or with a significant amount of debt could face lengthy property division negotiations or conflicts about alimony.
A Couple’s Relationship
At the end of the day, one of the most critical factors in simplifying the divorce process is the kind of relationship that the parties have. For instance, the more contentious a couple’s relationship is, the lengthier a couple can expect their divorce to be. Couples who have an amicable relationship, on the other hand, and are willing to communicate, are more likely to resolve their divorces quickly.
Schedule an Appointment with Our Legal Team
Contact an experienced Largo divorce attorney at Cairns Law to get a better idea of the amount of time it will take to finalize your own divorce. You can reach us at our office by calling 727-683-1472 or by sending us an online message.