Parenting Coordinators May be Able to Help with Your Custody Issues

Prioritizing their child’s well-being is of the utmost importance for most divorcing parents. This, however, will require the development of a comprehensive divorce agreement and parenting plan. Unfortunately, creating such an agreement is often easier said than done. There are, however, a lot of third party individuals, including parenting coordinators, who can help families overcome these hurdles and come up with custody arrangements that will best suit their needs.
What are Parenting Coordinators?
Parenting coordinators are neutral third parties who assist families in resolving custody-related parenting decisions by:
- Educating co-parents on the developmental needs of their children at specific stages;
- Facilitating communication between co-parents;
- Encouraging compromise and recommending negotiation tactics;
- Reducing conflict; and
- Promoting the best interests of the couple’s child.
As an impartial and objective third party, parenting coordinators can help co-parents come to mutually beneficial solutions to their parenting disputes. While they are often appointed by Florida courts, it’s also possible for couples to work with parenting coordinators voluntarily as they work through the process of crafting a divorce agreement.
Developing a Parenting Plan
In Florida, couples with children can only obtain a divorce once they have come up with a parenting plan that contains a visitation schedule and details about how the parents will share decision-making authority. Parentings plans essentially give parents a blueprint that they can follow as they attempt to co-parent. Developing such a plan, however, isn’t always easy, especially when both parents have differing ideas about the right kind of schedule for a family or disagree about who should have final decision-making authority. This is where parenting coordinators can step in and assist in the creation and implementation of a comprehensive parenting plan that suits a family’s needs and serves the best interests of the child in question.
Providing Ongoing Support
Even once a couple has come up with a parenting plan, parenting coordinators can continue to provide ongoing assistance and support throughout the remainder of the divorce proceedings by:
- Addressing any emerging child custody-related concerns;
- Offering guidance on communication strategies;
- Teaching conflict management techniques;
- Facilitating enforcement of the parenting plan; and
- Introducing other third party support, like qualified counselors or therapists.
It’s important to note that not just anyone can be a parenting coordinator. Instead, these individuals must have advanced training and must be either a licensed mental health professional, a psychiatrist, a family law mediator, or an attorney in good standing.
Available for Evening and Weekend Appointments
Although experts like parenting coordinators are uniquely placed to help co-parents make decisions about their child’s best interests, they aren’t a substitute for sound legal advice. If you have questions about or are already engaged in the parenting coordination process, please call the dedicated Clearwater child custody lawyers at Cairns Law for further assistance. We can help you start laying the foundation for a healthier and more effective co-parenting relationship. Call us at 727-683-1472 or send us an online message to get started today.