Protecting Your Digital Security During Divorce

It can be a lot harder, in our current digital age, for couples to disentangle their lives upon divorce. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to help protect your digital security if you decide to separate or divorce your spouse. Read on to learn more about how to keep your digital information private during the divorce process.
Change Your Email Passwords
One of the first things you should do when attempting to improve your digital security is to change your email passwords. This ensures that even if you are no longer living with a spouse, he or she won’t have access to your email if you accidentally left yourself logged in to a shared device.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication for Your Financial Accounts
In addition to changing your email password, you’ll probably also want to improve the security of your financial accounts. One way to do so is to enable two-factor authentication for any checking, savings, and credit card accounts that are linked to your phone. And don’t forget to ensure the security of any of your cryptocurrency accounts, as these can end up being a valuable asset during settlement negotiations.
Update Passwords for Your Online Storage
To improve your digital security during your divorce, you’ll also want to consider accessing and updating all of your online storage devices, including your Apple and Cloud storage, your Google Drive, Dropbox, and any other online accounts that you use to store important information. Be sure to pick new passwords that you don’t think your former spouse (or anyone else) will be able to guess.
Close Your Online Shopping Accounts
Online shopping accounts often go overlooked by those who are attempting to update their digital security. This is a mistake, as online shopping platforms can provide a lot of information, including credit card numbers, shipping addresses, billing information, and shopping history. To avoid anyone gaining access to these accounts, be sure to close them out and reopen them later on with a new email.
Avoid Social Media While Your Divorce is Pending
Finally, one of the most important things you can do to improve your digital security is to avoid posting on social media during your divorce. While you don’t necessarily need to delete your accounts, it’s a good idea to update your privacy settings, delete anyone you don’t personally know, create new passwords, and avoid posting any new pictures, status updates, tags, or other information until your divorce is finalized. Even innocuous posts can end up being used by unscrupulous attorneys to undercut your divorce settlement.
Available for Evening and Weekend Appointments
If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, your online security may be the last thing on your mind. This, however, is actually an important part of uncoupling with which an experienced lawyer can help you. To learn more, please call the dedicated Clearwater divorce attorneys at Cairns Law today. You can reach us at 727-683-1472 or by sending us an online message. We are happy to meet with you during the evenings or weekends.